中文译名:《牛王马王:役畜、佛教与中国农村宗教》(Kings of Oxen and Horses Draft Animals, Buddhism, and Chinese Rural Religion)
作者:Meir Shahar夏维明
For centuries in China, people beseeched deities to protect the draft animals on which they relied. Across social classes—from peasants plowing the fields to merchants transporting goods through soldiers riding into battle—animals were essential to daily life and so took on a central place in the religious imagination. Prayers and rituals for animal well-being were most frequently addressed to the Horse King, divine protector of horses, donkeys, and mules, or the Ox King, who watched over oxen and buffaloes.
Kings of Oxen and Horses is a history of these two gods: their myths, their rituals, and their worshipers. It examines the place of draft animals in Chinese and Buddhist religious traditions and, in so doing, sheds new light on human interaction with nonhuman animals more broadly. Meir Shahar traces the history of the Horse and Ox Kings from late imperial China back to ancient India, revealing the long-term Buddhist influence on Chinese rural religion. He explores the myth of the draft animal as incarnate god, showing how Buddhism transmitted a belief in the sanctity of cattle and a taboo on beef from India to China. Shahar considers the ties between humans and their animal companions through the prism of religious practice, and he draws illuminating comparisons to other world religions. Bridging the gap between animal studies and religious studies, this book is a major contribution to both.
夏维明(Meir Shahar),以色列特拉维夫大学教授,曾任特拉维夫大学孔子学院院长,美国哈弗大学硕士、博士毕业。他的研究领域包括中国民间宗教和文学、中国武术史、印度神话对中国宗教和文学的影响、中国佛教和密教。近年来,他一直在研究动物在中国宗教中所扮演的角色。撰写和编辑了多部学术书籍。其著作包括《济公:中国宗教与民间文学》;《俄狄浦斯:哪吒与其印度起源》;《少林寺:历史、宗教与武术》,已被翻译成多种语言,包括意大利语、葡萄牙语、波兰语和希伯来语,其中中文版由宗教文化出版社出版。
高万桑(Vincent Goossaert),法国高等研究实践学院(école Pratique des Hautes études)道教与中国宗教讲席教授、博士研究生计划负责人,社会、宗教与政教关系研究所(Groupe Société, Religion et Laicité)副所长(2004~2015年),主要著作有《中国的寺庙之内》(Dans les temples de la Chine: Histoire des cultes, vie des communautés)、《中国的牛戒》(L’interdit du boeufen Chine: Agriculture, éthique et sacrifice)、《北京的道士》(The Taoists of Peking)、《近代中国的宗教问题》(The Religious Questions in Modern China)等。
英文书名:Essays of a RecluseA Complete Translation of the Qianfulun(《潜夫论》首个英译全本)
Anne Behnke Kinney is professor of Chinese at the University of Virginia. She is translator of Exemplary Women of Early China: The Lienü zhuan of Liu Xiang (Columbia, 2014), among other books.
John S. Major, formerly professor of history at Dartmouth College, is an independent scholar. He is cotranslator of The Huainanzi (Columbia, 2010), among other books.
英文书名:The Great Commentary on the Documents Classic / Shangshudazhuan尚書大傳
An early commentary on one of the Chinese Five Classics.
The Documents classic (Shangshu) was central to the political life of imperial China. This owed much to the lively commentarial activity surrounding the text in the first two centuries BCE. The Great Commentary serves as a lens on this commentarial work and reveals how the Documents classic was used to provide answers to pressing societal questions of the time.
In this first English translation of the Great Commentary, Fan Lin and Griet Vankeerberghen engage with the historical realities that produced the work. They explore the complex relationship between the Documents classic and its commentarial traditions at a time when neither classic nor commentary had acquired fixed form. They view Master Fu (260?–161? BCE), the Han court academician to whom the Great Commentary is traditionally ascribed, not as the text's author but rather as the figure who lent his authority to subsequent generations of Documents scholars. Lin and Vankeerberghen also trace how late imperial scholars reconstructed the text largely from fragments in collectanea. With facing pages of Chinese and English text, this volume provides a comprehensive introduction and detailed annotation that reveal the work's relevance to law, prognostication, and politics, along with its value as an important source for the study of the classical tradition and of early Chinese history.
方丽特(Griet Vankeerberghen),麦吉尔大学历史与古典学系副教授,林炎平古今世界自由与全球秩序中心全球古代研究网联合创始人,美国普林斯顿大学哲学博士。研究领域:西汉文本及其社会、政治和物质背景,重点关注《淮南子》《史记》《尚书大传》及《四库全书》等话题。代表作:《公元前26年的长安:中国的黄金时代》(合编,2015),《古希腊、罗马和中国的统治者与被统治者》(合编,2021)。